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How to make the most money from recycling
HOW TO MAKE THE MOST MONEY FROM YOUR METALS By doing a few simple things, you can make more money when you sell your metals. Can Land pays top prices for recycling scrap metals in metro Denver. We buy all metals, sorted or un-sorted. Here are some suggestions to put more money in your pocket when you recycle scrap metals at Can Land Recycling Center: 1. IDENTIFY - First figure out what type of metal you have. Here are some tests you can do to see what metals you have to recycle. A. MAGNET TEST: Start with a magnet. You can use something as simple as a refrigerator magnet. 1. If the magnet sticks to your metal, you probably have steel (there are a few other metals that stick to a magnet, such as nickel or tungsten carbide but they are uncommon). Keep your steel separate. 2. If the magnet does not stick, you probably have another type of metal, such as copper, brass, or aluminum. Keep these types of metals separate B. FILE TEST: Next, you can file into the metal with the edge of a file. You are looking for the color of the metal and the hardness. Here are some possibilities: i. Bright Red, Soft – Copper ii. Dull Red, Semi-hard – Red Brass iii. Yellow, Semi-hard – Yellow Brass iv. Bright White, Soft (the file will stick) – Aluminum v. Dull Grey, Soft (the metal feels almost greasy) – Die Cast also called Pot Metal vi. Dull Grey, Very Soft - Lead vii. Dull Silver, Very Hard– Stainless Steel 2. SORT – Once you determine the type of metals you have, sort all the same types together and keep them separate from each other 3. CLEAN – If the metals you have are mixed, you may be able make more money by cleaning the non-like-kind of metals off. Here are some examples: A. Aluminum Screen Doors – remove all the screws, glass, rubber, die cast corner pieces and handles, and keep the clean extruded aluminum separate because it pays the most: B. Yellow Brass Valves – remove the aluminum handle, stainless steel and steel screws, plastic, and any other metals. Keep the brass separate and you will be paid for clean brass. C. Transmissions – aluminum transmissions have to have everything removed from the case, such as the oil, steel, and all other metals. You will be paid for clean cast aluminum. D. Aluminum Car Wheels – remove the tire and the lead wheel weights. You will be paid for aluminum car rims. 3. CALL US WITH QUESTIONS Call Can Land at 303-426-4141 and we will be glad to answer your questions. or contact us today!
Continue Reading...Take the Canland Recycling Tour
As you pull up to Canland you'll find us in the center of two mobile home businesses, one on each side of Canland.
Continue Reading...We're Open!
Yes, we're open ! As you pull into our parking lot go to your left and pull up to the dock on the south side of the building. You should then unload your material that you wish to get paid for on the dock, then use the stairs that you'll find near the docks bay door and then bring in your material though that bay door. If you need assistance please feel free to ask!
Continue Reading...Come Inside
When you come inside to recycle your cans this will be the first part of the process you will approach. You will be asked to dump your cans into the conveyer's hopper as one of our employee's operate the conveyer and watch for any trash or any other foreign objects other than aluminum cans. The purpose of this conveyor is not only to be sure foreign objects are removed but also at the top of this conveyer is a built in magnet in the roller that drives the conveyer. This removes any steel cans. Your cans then drop into the scale basket.
Continue Reading...Baler
Another form of shipping material is compacting the metals with a baler. This is common for compacting aluminum gutter, siding, lawn chairs, awning, and other sheet type of aluminum
Continue Reading...Your Money
Now that you're getting your money the rest of the process begins! The cans are now dumped from the scale into the condenser where they will be condensed into "biscuits."
Continue Reading...Tickets
After all your cans have fallen into the weight basket you will be printed and given a weight ticket. Now you can go collect your money! This picture shows the digital display and the printer.
Continue Reading...Stacking and Baling
These biscuits will now be stacked and then banded together. Each bail/bundle shown in the picture below, once completed weighs around 3,000 pounds. It will take approximately 15 of these bails before we can make a shipment to a smelter where they will be melted and processed into new cans.
Continue Reading...The Rest of the Material
I bet you wonder how the rest of the recycled material gets handled at Canland? Well most of our material will be shipped in a big box called a gaylord and underneath the box we use a pallet/skid so we can pick these boxes up with a forklift. These boxes once filled could contain anywhere from 600 pounds to as much as 2,500 pounds depending on what the recycled material is. The average weight is probably around 1,100 pounds here at Canland
Continue Reading...Condensing the Cans
The cans are now condensed and are pushed out of the condenser. Each "biscuit" weighs approximately 30 pounds. With today's modern cans it takes 31.8 cans to equal one pound.
Continue Reading...Last Stop
Last stop of the tour! What do we do with all the material that don't fit in the boxes/gaylords? We have to cut them to size so they will fit. Using this very powerful cutting device called a shear there is rarely anything that is hard enough or thick enough to stop this machine from chopping it down to size. We most often use this machine for cutting steel and diecast off brass valves and such. Well That's all! If there is any question feel free to call us (303) 426-4141 or e-mail us!
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